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The Towers of Hanoi and Adventures in Mathematics
(page 1000(2))

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Proof By Induction
There is a very useful way of proving things about the positive numbers called induction. It works this way. Let's say I have an idea about the natural numbers, for example:
    Moves for Towers of Hanoi of size N is 2N - 1
We'll represent this idea for number n as Idea(n).

To prove Idea(n) works for all numbers n greater than or equal to 1 we take 3 steps:
I) Prove that Idea(1) is true.
II) Assume that Idea(k) is true for some k.
III) Prove that Idea(k+1) is true.

How does this prove Idea(n) is true for all n? Well if it's true for 1, then let the k in step II be 1. Then, provided we did step III correctly, then it's true for k+1, which is 2. If it's true for 2, it's true for 3, which means it's true for 4, and so on for as high as you'd like to go.

Proving Our Idea is Correct
For this discussion Moves(N) means the number of moves needed to solve a Towers of Hanoi puzzle of N rings. So we are trying to prove that:
	Moves(N) = 2N - 1

Step I Moves(1) is 1, and 21 - 1 is also 1, so Idea(1) is true.
Step II Assume that Idea(k) is true for some k.
Step III Using our recursive algorithm on page 100(2), we can move a tower of size k+1 from A to B by performing the following steps:
  1. move tower of size k from A to C which takes Moves(k) moves
  2. move ring k+1 from A to B which takes 1 move
  3. move tower of size k from C to B which takes Moves(k) moves

Therefore adding the moves take by the three steps we get:

	Moves(k+1) = Moves(k) + 1 + Moves(k)

Given our assumption made in Step II and substituting in our idea, we get:

	Moves(k+1) = (2k - 1) + 1 + (2k - 1)
		= 2k + 2k - 1 + 1 - 1
		= 2 × 2k - 1
But what is 2 × 2k? It's 2 × (2 × 2 ... k times), which is 2 × 2 ... k+1 times) which is 2k+1. Therefore:
	Moves(k+1) = 2k+1 - 1
which is what we wanted to prove.

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