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17. Go, G, Goes, and Gomonitor

In this section we look at go and its family of tools. go is often used to detach qef jobs.

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This section introduces a number of related programs:
goruns its argument command detached redirecting output to a go file
gused to view go files and lists of go files
goesviews and edits the go audit trails maintained in $HOME/.qtree/goes/host/gomsgs
gomonitorContinuous displays list of active and completed go jobs. go files can also be viewed using the qefgui shown in qefgui: The Build Monitor
go for it

go is often used to dispatch qef jobs, saving the output in a file and providing audit trails. It is also used by qremote (described in the next page) to detach qefs run on a remote host.

% go qef  # detach qef redirecting output to ,.g
% go -d qef  # output saved in $HOME/.qtree/goes/<host>/<pid>,g
% qremote -g qef  # uses go -d on remote host to run qef

go simply runs its argument commands redirecting the standard output and diagnostics as specified by flags. The default is to redirect both to the file ,.g. If there is already ,.*g files, they are renamed by inserting an `o' before the `g'. Another option --d redirects the output to file in $HOME/.qtree/goes/host/pid,g. The command g can be used to view selected go files. goes is used to look at and cleanup the go audit trail to which go adds lines when a command begins and ends.

% go l

% go date

# no output as output redirected

% l
,.g       ,.og      appl      appl.o    incls._   qmkhist._

% cat ,.g
Mon Jul 21 02:01:59 EDT 2003

% g
Mon Jul 21 02:01:59 EDT 2003

% g -o  # look at ,.og
,.g       appl      appl.o    incls._   qmkhist._ srclist._
# ,.og did not exist when l was run

% go -d qef  # put go file in ~/.qtree/goes tree
What goes Every go invocation appends lines to an audit trail file $HOME/.qtree/goes/host/gomsgs at the beginning and end of the job. goes is used to examine and edit these files.
% goes -h  # look at go audits for all hosts
05430:0   date ~ gobo - ~/cook/obj/appl/cmd 2003/07/21 02:01:59
05427:0   l ~ gobo - ~/cook/obj/appl/cmd 2003/07/21 02:01:56

30796:0   qef -DIto=5 ~ kent a /u/qtree/linux1_2i/o9.1
		2003/07/20 10:27:01

12939     qef ~ matt a /m/qtree/linu*/o9.1 2003/07/21 02:24:03
12919:-1  qef ~ matt a /m/qtree/linu*/o9.1 2003/07/21 02:18:09

Note in the above the incomplete job (12939) on matt and the failed job (12919). One can use g to look at the diagnostics for job 12919.

% g -dL  # to get list of go -d files
0: /g/dt/.qtree/goes/matt/12939a,g
1: /g/dt/.qtree/goes/matt/12919a,g

% g -d1  # view go file #1
E 127 2003/07/21 02:18:09 2003/07/21 02:18:09
CWD: /m/qtree/linux2_0i/o9.1
CMD: qef
#{ @matt 2003/07/21 02:18:09
# QEFHALTFILE: /m/qtree/linux2_0i/o9.1/%qef12920b.hlt
qef: Time check failed
        2003/07/21 02:18:20     gobo (qdsrv host)
        2003/07/21 02:18:09     matt (local host)
        11                      difference
# Saving track file /m/qtree/linux2_0i/o9.1/%qef12920b.trk
#} E-1 matt@/m/qtree/linux2_0i/o9.1 2003/07/21 02:18:09(0)

The above output illustrates yet another QEF advantage in that there is an automatic check to ensure that the clock on the executing host is within 10 seconds of the qdsrv host.

Other g options allows one to tail a go file, look at the go files with respect to qef header and trailer lines, and remove the selected go file.

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